How to Change Startup Programs in Windows 7?
With the release of Windows 7, Microsoft has made several changes to the company's operating system. Startup program settings are similar to those of previous operating systems. Startup programs are saved in a specific folder on the hard drive. When the operating system boots, links listed in this folder start their respective applications. Changing settings for current startup applications is accomplished through the system configuration tool.
- Click the Windows "Start" button and select "All Programs." Right-click the "Startup" folder in the menu and select "Open All Users." This option opens the folder for all users on the computer. Choose "Explore" to open the folder for the currently logged-in user only.
- Right-click the folder or file you want started when the computer boots. Select "Copy" from the menu.
- Right-click any white space in the "Startup" folder you opened in Step 1. Select "Paste" from the menu list. The program will now open the next time you start the computer.
- Click the Windows "Start" button and type "msconfig" in the search text box. This opens the System Configuration console.
- Click the "Startup" tab. This gives you a view of all the programs installed as startup options on your computer.
- Check boxes of the applications you want to start when you boot the computer. For programs you no longer want to start, clear the check box.
- Click "Apply" and close the configuration window. A popup window will ask if you want to reboot the computer. Click "Restart" to reboot the computer and save the changes.
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